Sunday, 16 March 2014

My New Instagram

This week I got an Instagram to compliment this blog which I have found to be so much fun! I have been able to interact with a lot of other Beauty Bloggers and get their feedback on products that they love, making a HUGE wish list. 
It has been so encouraging to actually build up a few followers within four days, with so many other bloggers sending so many loving and encouraging words! 

So far this week I have posted (from bottom right to top left) an image on my last blog post which was a haul, a mini-review of a new nail polish that I picked up during the week, two of my favourite lush hydrating and exfoliating products, and my weekend pamper pack! 

Im mostly using this Instagram for daily posts on products I'm using and hauls, with my blog still being for major hauls and reviews!

Please follow me on @beautybymkr and if you have an instagram, please comment it below and ill follow you back 

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Instagram and blogging are an awesome combo :) I just followed you, my username is chocolate_squeeze

    1. Just followed you back! loving your feed, doing a bit of a stalk as I type this! haha

  2. Followed! Checking out your bog from the first time now :)

